The North Country is Hiring!
North Country Local is excited to share its new Job Board. The goal is to provide to our community a comprehensive career tool, not just for our members but for the North Country as a whole. We understand how difficult it is to find workers, especially during the time of COVID.
The Job Board allows our members to have a place to share their job postings. The ease of the site and the ability to share on social media allows employers to reach a wide audience.
North Country Local Job Board Accessibility
The Job Board is easily accessible through the post-a-job portal. Members with logins can select a listing package that works for them. We offer 30 days worth of online listing on our board for a single job or a pack of three. All listings are processed and approved by an admin before they go live.
Posting Details
Job postings have space to include job details such as part-time or part-time, responsibilities, and qualifications. Links are supported on the site, allowing members to provide their web address and email, easy ways to make contact with potential employees. Listings also show the job’s location and can be sorted by location.
Social Media
Not make job seekers used newspapers or physical print in their search. Social media and websites are their go-to source. One of the major benefits of using the Job Board is that postings can be shared with NCL’s extensive social media presence. Even if you don’t have experience with social media, it’s not a problem because we do!
Rural areas, especially the North Country, are struggling with employment. There are too many jobs and not enough workers. NCL wants to help any way that we can and we hope the Job Board will do so!