Welcome Treasure Hunters!
We had a great time hosting our Treasure Hunt contest during the summer of 2021. Althought the prizes are all gone, and the winner has been announced, we are keeping this Hunt open and available for future hunters to experience. Follow the hints, journey around the region and discover the 21 different “Treasured” locations that we have selected all over the North Country! Make sure to use the Treasure Portal to log in and keep track of your journey all in one place!
Secret Locations to be Found
The North Country has so much to offer, if you know where to look. We thought it would be great to share our knowledge of the area and send you on a treasure hunt to learn about and locate them! The twist is, unlike previous contests and “hunts” that we have done, we will NOT provide a simple list of locations to tell you where to go. Instead, we have come up with over 60 unique multi-media clues like riddles, pictures and videos that will help you solve the puzzle and find each location.

Each location has three clues for you to figure out it’s location. Create your personal account and Log in to the Treasure Portal to track these clues. Once you think you have the answer, head out there and SNAP A PHOTO OF THE LOCATION WITH ONE OF OUR FREE “NORTH COUNTRY LOCAL” LOGO STICKERS OR CARDS visible in the image (stickers/cards available wherever you see our posters, (or download a digital version shown here). Upload your image to here with the name of the location and your information.
Location Difficulty
Some locations may be harder than others to solve/access/find. Each of the 21 locations have a Difficulty Icon to show if they are “Easy” “Moderate” or “Hard”. The Star Icon will indicate the overall difficulty of each location. An Outline Star indicates an “Easy” location. A 1/2 Star indicates a “Moderate” difficulty, and a Full star indicates a “Hard” difficulty location. Don’t worry though… “Hard” is a relative term and none of the clues and locations are unsolvable. WE WANT YOU TO FIND THEM ALL, WE WANT A WINNER!
Location Difficulty
Some locations may be harder than others to solve/access/find. Each of the 21 locations have a Difficulty Icon to show if they are “Easy” “Moderate” or “Hard”. The Star Icon will indicate the overall difficulty of each location. An Outline Star indicates an “Easy” location. A 1/2 Star indicates a “Moderate” difficulty, and a Full star indicates a “Hard” difficulty location. Don’t worry though… “Hard” is a relative term and none of the clues and locations are unsolvable. WE WANT YOU TO FIND THEM ALL, WE WANT A WINNER!
Location Description Icons
With so many ways to photograph these beautiful locations, we thought it would be helpful to guide your camera for the submission process. To help you out, we’ve identified each location as either a (1) building/structure, an (2) historic location/monument, or a (3) scenic view/vista. If you keep these clues in mind when you arrive to photograph the locations, you should be on the right path to submit valid entries.
Building / Structure
Destination includes some form of man-made structure to be included in your image submission.
Historic / Monument
Destination includes a historical monument, statue or landmark to be included in your image submission.
Scenic View
Destination has a scenic view of the landscape and it's surrounding area for you to enjoy.
Location Preparation Icons
Also, since we want you to have fun, we want you to go prepared! We’ve included icons for each destination so you can plan your trip(s) based on what to expect when you arrive. If it shows water, bring a swimsuit, sunscreen, or even your favorite floatie! If it’s a hike, wear proper footwear and bring a water bottle. And if it’s remote, gas up and “pit stop” before heading out! As always, please be mindful of the weather conditions when you travel, and never hike/swim/treasure-hunt alone!
All locations are within a 40 mile radius of our home office on Main Street in Lancaster. With that in mind, we have grouped the locations on the Location Page by color. Each location has a background color and they are grouped together. Once you think you have solved the locations, make a list of similar colored places and take a day trip to visit them as a series. There are three “routes” you can follow to gather 6-8 locations each: A Red route, a Green route and a Blue route.
Remote Location All of these locations are situated at least 18, but not more than 40 miles "as the crow flies" from our North Country Local home office in Lancaster NH. Be prepared!
Requires Short Hike
To get to these destinations plan for at least a 10-15 minute walk or hike. Nothing is too treacherous, but plan accordingly!
Near Water
This destination has water there, or nearby. If you plan for it you may be able to take a dip and cool off a bit.
Minimal Day Use Cost
Some of the locations on this list are State Parks or Recreational Areas and may have a minimal entrance fee. This will be indicated by a $$ icon. Typically these are payable at the gate or kiosk and NONE EXCEED $7. Please respect the honor system and pay to support the maintenance and preservation of these North Country Treasures.