North Country Haunted Tour
It’s the time of year for spooks, thrills, and chills. And the best part is, you don’t have to go far to find them! Did you know that there are haunted locations right in the North Country? We pulled together a list of local places to visit if you’re looking for a spooky experience.

The Haunted Spalding Inn – Whitefield, NH
Spalding Inn has been on Ghost Hunters because of its hauntings.
Formerly the Cherry Hill House, the inn is from the 1860s and is known to have shadowy figures, strange noises and whispers, hot spots, and apparitions. The most active spots of the inn include the kitchen, the Carriage House, and room 38.
Haunted Meadow Street Cemetery – Littleton, NH
One of the town’s first cemetery is located next to Shaw’s. It filled up mostly in the 1800s and is not home to faded, chipped, and crooked gravestones. According to a psychic, the cemetery is haunted by a male spirit who isn’t very friendly and doesn’t like people visiting the cemetery.
Haunted Littleton Opera House – Littleton, NH

A staple of Main Street, the Opera House is easily recognizable and available for a wide range of events, though not many people know about its spookier side.
Some say there are a couple of spirits haunting the historic building. There are claims that the apparition of a little girl in white appears at the double doors and runs towards the stage before disappearing.
There are other reports of a man dressed in a black Victorian suit and bowler hat on the balcony, though he appears to have no face. Fire alarms tend to ring on their own, even though there is no fire and no mechanical malfunctions.
The Mount Washington Hotel – Bretton Woods, NH
The Mount Washington Hotel is allegedly haunted by the wife of the original owner, Carolyn Stickney. She has been seen walking the halls, walking through walls, and is especially active in room 314, also known as the Princess Room, which used to be Carolyn’s private suite. The four-poster bed in the room is the one she shared with her husband, and she has been seen sitting at the end of it brushing her hair. Other spirits include a female that resides in room 206, and babies crying in the Madison Room.
Colonial Theater – Laconia, NH
According to reports, footsteps have been heard and lights go on and off for no reason. Some visitors report having a strange feeling that they should leave. There have even been sightings of a strange man who seems to be there one minute and gone the next.

Emily’s Bridge – Stowe, VT
Built in 1844, Gold Brook “Emily’s Bridge” is a single-lane, 50-foot-long bridge. If the legend is to be believed, one night a young woman named Emily waited on the bridge for her lover. When he did not show, she was heartbroken and hung herself.
Visitors beware: Emily is said to be an angry spirit and has been known to attack cars and even people to her bridge. If venturing to her bridge in the darkness of night, take extra precautions.
The Green Mountain Lodge – Stowe, VT
The third floor of the Green Mountain Lodge is rumored to be haunted by a scowling man in a suit who died in one of the rooms, a woman who fell to her death from the cupola, and a timber sawyer who is heard but not seen. Many strange accidents and deaths have occurred in this 1860s hotel.
Northern Vermont University – Lyndonville, VT

Northern Vermont University is located on the former Theodore N. Vail estate, where his wife Emma is said to haunt. She hanged herself where the theater is, and there have been many instances of her ghost frequenting that area.
A visiting comedian joked about her, and his water glass fell off the table and rolled to the edge of the stage and then righted itself. A magician had his prop balls spinning away from him each time he set them down, and a tightrope performer had her first fall there, where she claims to have been pushed. There are also stories of an extra appearing in school plays, always a woman wearing 1900s fashion.
The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel – Colebrook, NH
After renovations were made in this hotel, many hauntings began to be reported here. There is a woman who sits in a chair just beyond the landing and three laughing elderly ladies. Another haunting is a ghostly naked, dripping wet man at the foot of the bed in room 120, who is thought to be the band leader at the Balsams in the early 1930s, who stayed in that room before mysteriously drowning in the lake in the front of the hotel.

Abandoned Town of Livermore – Livermore, NH
The former logging town was located in the White Mountain National Forest. Hard winters, arduous work, and a smallpox epidemic claimed many of those who lived there. It’s been abandoned since 1946 and the buildings have been overtaken by nature. People say if you show up today, you can still hear the grunts and chats of loggers.
Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these places are super to give you and your friends exciting stories for years to come. Are there other haunted places in the North Country that we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear your ghostly Halloween stories!