Weekend Wonders in COVID
Looking for something to do next weekend? Whether you want to stay in or go out, check out these local happenings!
Do Some Cooking
The Littleton Food Co-op & Catamount Arts are teaming up to create Kingdom COVID cookbook! Check out all of the project details at www.catamountarts.org/shows-and-events/kingdom-covid-cookbook and submit your own recipe or related artwork to cooking@catamountarts.org. Make sure to check Catamount Art’s Facebook page for additional guest videos and special prize drawings!
Go Sledding
Join the Lions Club Ski Tow in a Cardboard Sled Race! March 6, 2021 at 1pm, have your cardboard sled ready to race by Lisbon Main St. Sleds can be any shape or size, and don’t forget to decorate! While sledding, helmets are necessary, and there is a waiver that must be signed by parents.
On March 7, 2021 from 8am-3pm, the NH Snowmobile Museum is hosting the 3rd Annual Notch Ride! Enjoy a scenic ride through Franconia Notch on the infamous bike path. An event permit allows all to participate regardless of registration, and the event is open to all vintage sleds! Parking will be at Whale’s Tale and lunch will be available for purchase there as well from the White Mountain Snowmobile Club.
Parade of Lights
Support the Pittsburg, NH Firefighter’s Association by going to the Parade of Lights at Back Lake, Pittsburg, NH on March 6, 2021 at 6pm. Follow direction of the Event Crew, stay with your machines, and wear a mask if your helmet is open or taken off. They will come to you for registration and to give a colored covering for headlights.
Live Yoga
On March 7, 2021 from 4-6:30am, join Balance Bethlehem and the Sat Nam Foundation on zoom to start your day with moving, breathing, and chanting before the sun rises. Join the Virtual Yoga Studio at www.balancebethlehem.com/schedule/.